
Clicktale taps into the wisdom and behavior of millions of visitors so that businesses can deliver the best digital experiences to drive amazing business results. By synthesizing complex behavioral patterns based on millisecond-level actions such as hovers and scrolls, we enable businesses to interpret their customers’ digital body language and understand intent.

With unique behavioral data, clear visualizations, and world-class customer experience expertise, Clicktale is driving the “Experience Era” at the world’s leading brands.

Path Analytics

Identify specific behaviors, patterns, paths, and issues in your pages, business flows and forms, and quickly quantify effect.

Path Analytics brings better experiences to market faster and helps attain amazing results by quantifying the impact of visitor behaviors and uncovering paths leading to success. Identify problematic behaviors in session recordings, and pinpoint the critical junctures or patterns leading people away from converting.


Gain unparalleled accuracy for desired outcomes.

Leverage data-rich desktop and mobile heatmaps to gain true insight into user intent. With precise data and side-by-side visualizations of user behavior, contrast multiple views to make proactive, strategic optimizations with high ROI impact.


With two-way integrations, leverage existing data sets or segments that are already set up in your analytics tool to gain deeper insights to visitor usability and in-page behavior. Conduct proactive top-down analyses to maximize revenues from different segments. Discover what visitors from marketing campaigns are looking for, and then boost conversion rates for landing pages, forms and shopping carts. From within your analytics interface, get one-click access to session replays and aggregated reports.

Experience Center

Uncover your most pressing CX and funnel issues & drill down to prioritize tasks based on business impact. Configure segments of any kind, and drill down to Path Analytics, Session Replays, Heatmaps, Conversion Analytics and side-by-side comparisons. Easily spot deviations and quantify business impact so you can prioritize optimization efforts.

Session Replays

Visualize the customer experience and hone in on your users’ true intent. View visitor playbacks of mobile or desktop sessions to understand how users interact with your content. Gain a 360-degree view of every Voice of Customer submission and fine tune A/B testing for the bottom of your funnel.

Clicktale for apps

Get detailed reports showing crash trends in your app, including the exact line in the code where the crash occurred, and drill from those reports into session replays to view the exact experience of the user leading up to the crash. API error logs and exceptions are available through the SDK.

Conversion Analytics

Examine your conversion funnel with laser focus to get qualitative insights of form analytics and conversion rate optimization. Within our form analytics reports, review the step-by-step conversion analysis to see how many visitors reached and interacted with your form, how many tried (but failed) to submit, and how many successfully completed it.

Phycological Analytics

With Psychological Analytics, uncover hidden factors behind customer satisfaction levels to optimize for success. Psychological Analytics enables you to analyze intent similarly on digital channels. Uncover the distribution of various mindsets, and discover which elements on the page encourage positive behaviors.

Do You Understand Your Customer’s Journey On Your Website?

Let Us Help You!
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